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Olympic sell-out! 91% of London 2012 souvenirs made abroad with two thirds coming from China


In patriotic red, white and blue, these souvenirs are meant to showcase the best of British workmanship to mark the London Olympic Games.

Unfortunately, a mere 9 per cent of the collection is actually made here.

Almost all of the Union Jack-emblazoned tea cups, tea towels, crystalware and fluffy toys on sale to commemorate the Games were produced by workers on the other side of the world.

These 'Wenlock' stuffed toys are among the items on sale to mark the London 2012 Games

These 'Wenlock' stuffed toys are among the items on sale to mark the London 2012 Games

Even famous names such as Wedgwood and Royal Doulton have used overseas factories to produce their mementoes of the Games.

Olympics organisers expect to rake in £1billion in revenue and £86million profit from 2012 souvenirs.

But despite their claim that the Games would benefit British business, thousands of jobs and millions of pounds worth of lucrative contracts have gone abroad.

London Olympic mascot Wenlock

London Olympic Souvenirs